Mar 11, 2011

Kumamoto:lunch and spa

Lsat Saturday, we attended R's wedding party in kumamoto and stayed there untill Sunday night.
The Wedding party was perfect!! Beautiful bride, tasty meals, wonderful weather.....
Also we planed to go to Aso moutain using a rental car on Sunday but it was heavy weather (rainy and thick fog). Of course we carried out our plan in the heavy weather though...
We couldn't see the mountains..haha. but enjoyed lunch and spa!



  1. Are you fine? It has been terrible in tsunami, I wait be well! Regards from españa

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi,Gabriela
    I'm fine but confused about the nuclear and intentional power cut.
    When I watch the news and think about people in tohoku, I am so nervous.
    Thank you so much your kind messsage!!

  4. Hello mion! It is a very good news to know that these well, I from here order you a lot of force and hope that there is a good solution for all that, I feel very much everything what spending this one, look after yourself!
    I wait for everything go out well!
